A majority of Staff and Students support the Smoke-Free Zones. Will You?

Join us, as we make University of Galway a partially smoke-free campus.

Smoke-Free Ambassadors

Become a smoke-free ambassador and help spread the word about our smoke-free zones. To sign up, click here.

Going Smoke-Free

In 2013, staff and students were asked to share their views about smoking on campus in a community-wide survey. A majority expressed their preference for the creation of a partially smoke-free campus, and since then a Working Group of staff and Students' Union representatives has been working on implementing their decision.

In January 2016, two smoke-free zones come into effect, centred around two new designated smoking shelters outside the Hardiman Building and Engineering Building.

Introductory video

Why Smoke-Free?

There are many advantages to making our campus partially smoke-free. It will help make our campus a healthier and cleaner place in which to work and study.

As many of you will have noticed, there are a number of smoking blackspots around campus, located at the entrances to some of our most popular buildings. The smoke and litter in these areas can have a negative impact on our campus community.

Together, we can make University of Galway a cleaner and healthier campus.

South Campus Smoke-Free Zone

The designated smoking shelter in the South Campus is located between the Hardiman Building and the Arts Millennium Building. Please use this shelter if you are based in the following buildings:

  • Hardiman Building
  • Library
  • Arts Millennium Building
  • School of Psychology
  • Main Concourse entrance

See campus map

Cross-Campus Campaign

Look out for signage in the smoke-free zones directing you to your nearest smoking shelter.

North Campus Smoke-Free Zone

The designated smoking shelter in the North Campus is located outside the Engineering Building. Please use this shelter if you are based in the following buildings:

  • Engineering Building
  • Áras Moyola
  • Cairnes Building
  • Research and Innovation Centre

See campus map