The Unit4 Business World is the Financial System is the finance system used by the University to manage its day to day finances. It is also a management information system. This means the financial data that is entered into the Financial System can be output in the form of enquiries and reports to provide up to date, relevant and useful information for managing Recurrent Budgets, Research and Capital Projects.

Financial System Account & Access

‌How to get set up on the Financial System: Staff & Hourly Paid Employees

In order to get an account on the Financial System StaffHourly Paid Employees must first be set up with access.  Please log a call at the Service Desk, and provide your six-digit staff/payroll number. This number is displayed on your Payslip/P60 or Staff Card. The ticket request type is as follows:  01.Access to IT Services> Request Access> Financial Management.

When requesting an account please specify each Financial System access/role you require (Travel & Subsistence,  and/or Web RequisitionerWeb PO Approver access. (Note: RequisitionerWeb PO Approver access to a Cost Centre requires Budget Holder authorisation).

How to get set up on the Financial System: Scholarship Students

In order to get an account on the Financial System, you must first be set up with access.

  1. You will need to obtain your valid six-digit scholarship number.
  2. Once you have this six-digit scholarship number, please log a call at the Service Desk. The ticket request type is as follows:  01.Access to IT Services> Request Access> Financial Management.
  3. When requesting an account please specify each Financial System access/role you require (Travel & Subsistence,  and/or Requisitioner access (Note: Requisitioner access to a Cost Centre requires Budget Holder authorisation).

If you do not know your six-digit scholarship number, you can locate this as outlined below:

  • Your scholarship payments from University of Galway will show your six-digit scholarship number as a reference on your bank statement.
  • Your academic supervisor/director will also be able to view your six-digit scholarship number in the column headed “Staff/Student” on Financial System reports.

    Note: Scholarship six-digit ID number is only available on Agresso to view after the first Scholarship payment is paid to the individual.
    •   A good example of a research funder expenditure report (i.e. cost centres beginning with “R”) for scholarships is Research Expenditure Detail by Category (w).
    • A good example of a recurrent budget report (i.e. cost centres beginning with “D”) for scholarships is Scholarship Expenditure Detail (w).

Log in to the Financial System

The Financial System is available online at  At the login screen enter your UsernameClient and Financial System Password.

  • Username - Your staff/payroll or scholarship number. Note: Your Financial System Username differs from your Campus Account username, remove the leading zero and the letter s -  e.g. 012345
  • Client -  U1
  • Password - The password must be a minimum of 12 characters long,   and must contain characters from at least 3 of the following character sets;
    • Lower case characters 'a' - 'z'
    • Upper case characters 'A' - 'Z'
    • numbers '0' - '9'
    • Special characters, e.g. !"£$%^&*()@
    Please see the ICT Policy - QA404 University of Galway Password Policy for more information.

External  E Account Users

In order to get an account on the Financial System, you must first be set up with access.  Please log a call at the Service Desk, and provide your eight-digit External E Account username and budget code.

Please note that written (email) authorization from the Budget Holder is required, stating the Cost Centre code and level of access.  The ticket request type is as follows:  01.Access to IT Services> Request Access> Financial Management.

Log in to the Financial System - E account users

The Financial System is available online at
At the login screen enter your UsernameClient and Financial System Password.

Financial System Login E user

  • Username - Your eight-digit external E account number
  • Client -  U1
  • Password - The password must be a minimum of 12 characters long,   and must contain characters from at least 3 of the following character sets;
    • Lower case characters 'a' - 'z'
    • Upper case characters 'A' - 'Z'
    • numbers '0' - '9'
    • Special characters, e.g. !"£$%^&*()@
    Please see the ICT Policy - QA404 University of Galway Password Policy for more information.

Forgotten your Financial System Password?

If you are unsure of or have forgotten your Financial System password, you can request a new one. This can be done from the Financial System login screen by clicking "Forgotten your password?".

Roles & Access Level

Role Removal

Agresso roles are reviewed on a monthly basis.  Roles that have not been used in the previous 12-month rolling period are removed.
Renewal of these roles can be requested via the Service Desk with Budget Holder authorisation where applicable *

* Service Desk tickets requesting renewal of the Travel & Subsistence (Smart Expenses) role do not require Budget Holder authorisation  

Cost Centers

The Budget Holder should contact the Service Desk, authorising your access to a list of the Cost Centres and also providing your employee number.  Once the Service Desk has given you access, they will contact you within three working days confirming your access level to the Cost Centres.

Leaving & Retiring

Retiring, leaving, or contract ends, your Financial System account will be disabled will be disabled on your retirement date / on your contract's end datePlease see our Staff Leaving page and ICT Policy - QA434 Retired, Leavers, Mover Policy for more information.

Financial System F.A.Q's

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