The Data Science Institute is committed to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in all our activities. We ensure equal opportunities for all its members, irrespective of background, gender, ethnicity, or any other characteristic. We embrace diversity by actively promoting diversity and encouraging participation from individuals with varied cultural, socio-economic, and disciplinary backgrounds. The Institute promotes an inclusive culture through various initiatives including networking events, and awareness campaigns and principles of equality, diversity and inclusion are embedded into our research. DSI hosts a diverse range of speakers from academia, industry, and community organisations to showcase a variety of perspectives and experiences.

The institute has received an Athena SWAN Bronze award, jointly awarded to the Data Science Institute and the School of Computer Science at the University of Galway, represents a significant achievement in recognizing and advancing gender equality within academia. Receiving the Athena SWAN Bronze award signifies a commitment to addressing gender imbalances and promoting inclusivity across all levels of the Institute. It signifies our commitment to gender equality, which extends beyond mere rhetoric to concrete actions aimed at fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for all staff and students, irrespective of gender. Further, it acknowledges the good practices, evidence-based approach taken to gender equality and our goal of ongoing improvement.