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Structured PhD (Biomedical Engineering Science), full-time
Course Code: PHDS-BESC
Course Overview
This programme is intended for those students who are affiliated to specific aligned Structured PhD programmes underway within University of Galway and partner institutions, who wish to be categorised and conferred as NCBES students.
Students will be affiliated to their designated Structured PhD programme throughout and will carry out their research and education activities within the NCBES or collaborative units, centres, schools or disciplines.
Programmes Available
Structured PhD, 4 years, full-time.
Applications are made online via the University of Galway Postgraduate Applications System.
Entry Requirements
Candidates for the degree of PhD or MSc by research must have reached a high honours standard (minimum H2.2 [or equivalent international qualification] for an MSc) at the examination for the primary degree or presented such other evidence as will satisfy the Head of School and the College of his/her fitness.
Current research projects
(i) Biomedical Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (BMERM)
(ii) Molecular & Cellular Mechanisms Underlying Inflammatory Processes (MolCellBiol)
Find a Supervisor / PhD Project
If you are still looking for a potential supervisor or PhD project or would like to identify the key research interests of our academic staff and researchers, you can use our online portal to help in that search
Course Outline
Curriculum Information
Curriculum information relates to the current academic year (in most cases).Course and module offerings and details may be subject to change.
Glossary of Terms
- Credits
- You must earn a defined number of credits (aka ECTS) to complete each year of your course. You do this by taking all of its required modules as well as the correct number of optional modules to obtain that year's total number of credits.
- Module
- An examinable portion of a subject or course, for which you attend lectures and/or tutorials and carry out assignments. E.g. Algebra and Calculus could be modules within the subject Mathematics. Each module has a unique module code eg. MA140.
- Subject
- Some courses allow you to choose subjects, where related modules are grouped together. Subjects have their own required number of credits, so you must take all that subject's required modules and may also need to obtain the remainder of the subject's total credits by choosing from its available optional modules.
- Optional
- A module you may choose to study.
- Required
- A module that you must study if you choose this course (or subject).
- Required Core Subject
- A subject you must study because it's integral to that course.
- Semester
- Most courses have 2 semesters (aka terms) per year, so a three-year course will have six semesters in total. For clarity, this page will refer to the first semester of year 2 as 'Semester 3'.
Year 1 (0 Credits)
OptionalPH650: Physics - 0 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalBO650: Biostatistics - 0 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMP651: Applied Mathematics - 0 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalRM075: Research Component - 75 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalRM080: Research Component - 80 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalRM085: Research Component - 85 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalRM090: Research Component - 90 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalZO509: Biometry - Statistics for Biologists - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalPH502: Scientific Programming Concepts - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMD536: Advanced and Applied Immunology - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalBI650: Biochemistry - 0 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalBT650: Botany - 0 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalBV650: Botany/Environmental Science - 0 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalCH650: Chemistry - 0 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalEOS650: Earth & Ocean Science - 0 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalEV650: Environmental Science - 0 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalGE650: Geology - 0 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMA650: Mathematics - 0 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMI650: Microbiology - 0 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalPA650: Pathology - Credits - Semester 1
OptionalPM650: Pharmacology - Credits - Semester 1
OptionalREM650: REMEDI - 0 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalSI650: Physiology - Credits - Semester 1
OptionalZO650: Zoology - 0 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalGS530: Graduate Research Information Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalRM055: Research Component - 55 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalRM060: Research Component - 60 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalRM065: Research Component - 65 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalRM070: Research Component - 70 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMA530: Numerical Analysis I - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalEOS5101: Advanced Topics in Earth and Ocean Sciences - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalPM209: Applied Concepts in Pharmacology - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalPM208: Fundamental Concepts in Pharmacology - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMG529: Introduction To Business - 10 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalPM5102: Experimental Methods in Pharmacology - 10 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalPM5108: Applied Toxicology - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalEV507: Ecosystem Science - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalEV508: Introduction to Flora & Fauna of Ireland - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalEV514: Ecological Survey Techniques - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalBG5105: Diagnostic Biotechnology - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalPM5101: Central Neurotransmission - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalGS511: Research Placement 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalGS526: Oral/poster communications (year 1 - 3) - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalGS513: Research Placement 2 - 10 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalGS514: Research Placement 3 - 15 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalGS515: Research Paper Publication - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalGS501: Seminar Programme - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalGS502: Journal Club Programme - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalGS505: Graduate Research Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalGS508: Formulating a Research Project Proposal - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalGS509: Participation in Workshops/Courses - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalSNS650: School of Natural Sciences - 0 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalAN650: Anatomy - 0 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMA651: Statistics - 0 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMA850: Bioinformatics - 0 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMP410: Non-Linear Elasticity - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMA5109: Statistical/Bioinformatics computing - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMA5110: Statistical/Bioinformatics consulting - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalPH5104: Medical Imaging - 10 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalBI460: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Cancer - 10 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalBI461: Clinical Oncology, Haematology - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalPH5103: Radiation Fundamentals - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMA5115: Supporting Learning in Mathematics - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalPH5116: Scalable Innovation - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalUCD_SCI50020: Research Integrity Online - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalEOS6102: Metals in the Environment, Speciation, Bioavailability, Remediation - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalEOS610: Introduction to Data Analysis Tools for Earth and Ocean studies - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMA653: Foundations of Genomics Data Science - 10 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMA654: Advanced Genomics Data Science - 10 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMA655: Applications in Genomics Data Science - 10 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalGS507: Statistical Methods for Research - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalPH506: Principles of Optical Design & Image Formation - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalEV6102: Environmental Leadership - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalBSS2103: Introduction to Sustainability 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalCMB6150: Cellular & Molecular Biology - 0 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalBI5108: Green Lab Principles and Practice - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalEAP5109: Academic English Writing Skills for Graduate Researchers - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalHP1101: Knowledge Translation in Health and Social Care Research - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalCH506: Core Skills for Chemistry Research - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalCS3304: Logic - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMA416: Rings - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalZO4102: Biostatistics for Natural Sciences - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalPH6101: CDT Lifetime Rotational Training - 20 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalGS5113: Innovation Impact Accelerator - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalPH2111: Makerspace Creative Technologies 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalPH5102: Clinical Instrumentation - 5 Credits - Semester 1
OptionalMI5106: Environmental Resilience - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalBG5104: Protein Technology - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalPH5105: Physics of Radiotherapy - 10 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalPM5114: Screening Molecular Libraries - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalGS522: BioInnovate II Core: Concept Development and Implementation - 10 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalSC500: Science Communications and Outreach - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalCH503: Masterclass in Carbohydrate Chemistry - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalBI504: Advanced Molecular Cell Biology - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalPH504: High Performance Computing and Parallel Programming - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalMA523: Advanced course in Mathematical Sciences - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalCH507: Combustion Chemistry and Kinetics - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalGS506: Teaching & Learning - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalCH509: Problem Solving in Chemistry - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalCH510: Process Development and Scale-Up in the Pharmaceutical Industry - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalPH508: Biophotonics and Imaging Graduate Summer School (BIGSS) - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalREM508: Graduate Course in Basic and Advanced Immunology - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalPM5103: Experimental Neuropharmacology - 15 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalPM5105: Neuropharmacology & Therapeutics - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalPM5111: Advanced Toxicology - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalMI5103: Advanced Industrial Processes - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalEV515: Biodiversity Legislation & Policy - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalEV527: Habitat Identification & Assessment - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalEV528: Habitat Creation, Management and Restoration - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalBPS5111: CCAFS Case Studies, Journal Club and Datasets - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalAN5101: Histology 1: Fundamental Tissues (Semester 2) - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalGS5103: Conference Organisation - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalPH423: Applied Optics and Imaging - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalAN507: Stereology - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalPH5115: Laser-enabled bioprinting - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalPH425: Lasers and Spectroscopy - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalMA461: Probabilistic Models for Molecular Biology - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalCT5100: Data Visualisation - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalPO5101: Management of Diabetic Foot Disease - 10 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalST1112: Statistical Methods - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalPAB5127: Geospatial Analysis and Remote Sensing - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalPAB5128: Data Analysis for Sustainability Research - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalMD1901: Cultural Awareness in Health and Social Care Research - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalST4140: Modern Statistical Methods - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalMA3491: Fields and Applications - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalCT5135: Research Topics in AI - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalCT5103: Case Studies in Data Analytics - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalPH5127: Modern observational facilities - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalPH2112: Makerspace Creative Technologies 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 2
OptionalBI5109: Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology (semester 2) - 5 Credits - Semester 2
Year 2 (90 Credits)
OptionalBI5103: Advanced Technologies in Cellular and Molecular Biology I - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPAB5117: Understanding Ireland’s Agriculture & AgriFood Sector - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPAB5116: Understanding AgriBusiness & AgriFood Market Trends - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGS5108: Work Based Placement 2 - 10 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGS5107: Work Based Placement 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMA5109: Statistical/Bioinformatics computing - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalAN650: Anatomy - 0 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMA651: Statistics - 0 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMA850: Bioinformatics - 0 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPH650: Physics - 0 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalBO650: Biostatistics - 0 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMP651: Applied Mathematics - 0 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalRM075: Research Component - 75 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalRM080: Research Component - 80 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalRM085: Research Component - 85 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalRM090: Research Component - 90 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalZO509: Biometry - Statistics for Biologists - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPH502: Scientific Programming Concepts - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMR650: Marine Science - 0 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalSPA459: Research Ethics - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMD536: Advanced and Applied Immunology - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalBI650: Biochemistry - 0 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalBT650: Botany - 0 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalBV650: Botany/Environmental Science - 0 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalCH650: Chemistry - 0 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEOS650: Earth & Ocean Science - 0 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEV650: Environmental Science - 0 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGE650: Geology - 0 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMA650: Mathematics - 0 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMI650: Microbiology - 0 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPA650: Pathology - Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPM650: Pharmacology - Credits - Semester 3
OptionalREM650: REMEDI - 0 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalSI650: Physiology - Credits - Semester 3
OptionalZO650: Zoology - 0 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGS530: Graduate Research Information Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalRM055: Research Component - 55 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalRM060: Research Component - 60 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalRM065: Research Component - 65 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalRM070: Research Component - 70 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMA530: Numerical Analysis I - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGS520: BioInnovate I Core: Needs finding to concept generation - 10 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEOS5101: Advanced Topics in Earth and Ocean Sciences - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPM209: Applied Concepts in Pharmacology - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPM208: Fundamental Concepts in Pharmacology - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMG529: Introduction To Business - 10 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalBG5107: Quality Management Systems for Biotechnology - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPM5102: Experimental Methods in Pharmacology - 10 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPM5108: Applied Toxicology - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEV507: Ecosystem Science - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEV508: Introduction to Flora & Fauna of Ireland - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEV514: Ecological Survey Techniques - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalBG5105: Diagnostic Biotechnology - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPM5101: Central Neurotransmission - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGS526: Oral/poster communications (year 1 - 3) - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGS513: Research Placement 2 - 10 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGS514: Research Placement 3 - 15 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGS515: Research Paper Publication - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGS508: Formulating a Research Project Proposal - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGS509: Participation in Workshops/Courses - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGS501: Seminar Programme - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGS502: Journal Club Programme - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGS505: Graduate Research Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGS536: Communication & Outreach - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGS525: Laboratory Animal Science Training (LAST) Ireland course - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGS511: Research Placement 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalSNS650: School of Natural Sciences - 0 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMP410: Non-Linear Elasticity - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMA5110: Statistical/Bioinformatics consulting - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGS5104: Intensive Writing Workshop - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGS5109: Work Based Placement 3 - 15 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPAB5115: AgriFood Sustainability & Agri-Resilience Challenges - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPAB5114: AgriFood Career, Communication & Impact Pathway Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPAB6150: Plant and AgriBiosciences - 0 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalCMB6150: Cellular & Molecular Biology - 0 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalBI5105: Current Topics in Cellular and Molecular Biology - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGS532: Introduction to Psychopharmacology (BAP) - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalBME6101: Computational Methods in Engineering Analysis - 10 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalBME402: Computational Methods in Engineering Analysis - 10 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalBI460: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Cancer - 10 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalBI461: Clinical Oncology, Haematology - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPH5103: Radiation Fundamentals - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPH5104: Medical Imaging - 10 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMA5115: Supporting Learning in Mathematics - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPH5116: Scalable Innovation - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalUCD_SCI50020: Research Integrity Online - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMA5116: Introductory Probability for Genomics - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEOS6102: Metals in the Environment, Speciation, Bioavailability, Remediation - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEOS610: Introduction to Data Analysis Tools for Earth and Ocean studies - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPS6130: Clinical and Experimental Cognitive Neuroscience - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMD8000: Fundamentals of Medical Device Design and Regulation - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMA652: Genomics Data Science - Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGS507: Statistical Methods for Research - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMA5108: Statistical Computing with R - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMA653: Foundations of Genomics Data Science - 10 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMA654: Advanced Genomics Data Science - 10 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMA655: Applications in Genomics Data Science - 10 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalTI2102: Introduction To GIS - 10 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalBME500: Advanced Biomaterials - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalCE6106: Hydrological Modelling - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMA532: Groups I - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalBES519: Scientific Writing - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPH506: Principles of Optical Design & Image Formation - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalST417: Introduction to Bayesian Modelling - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalCS424: Object Oriented Programming/Internet Programming - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEV6102: Environmental Leadership - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalBSS2103: Introduction to Sustainability 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMA490: Measure Theory - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMA437: Introduction to Mathematical Research Topics I - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMA5106: Medical Genomics 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalCS4102: Geometric Foundations of Data Analysis I - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalBI5108: Green Lab Principles and Practice - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalEAP5109: Academic English Writing Skills for Graduate Researchers - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalHP1101: Knowledge Translation in Health and Social Care Research - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalBME5100: Advanced Computational Biomechanics - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPO1100: Public and Patient Involvement in Research - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPH5126: Advanced Astronomical and Space Instrumentation - 10 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMD1902: Cultural Awareness in Research Planning and Processes - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalCH506: Core Skills for Chemistry Research - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMA5111: Genomics Data Analysis I - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalCT5161: Introduction to Programming in Python - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalZO4102: Biostatistics for Natural Sciences - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPH6101: CDT Lifetime Rotational Training - 20 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalGS5113: Innovation Impact Accelerator - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPH2111: Makerspace Creative Technologies 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalPH5102: Clinical Instrumentation - 5 Credits - Semester 3
OptionalMI5106: Environmental Resilience - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalBG5104: Protein Technology - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalPH5105: Physics of Radiotherapy - 10 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalPM5114: Screening Molecular Libraries - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalPM533: Formulating a Research Proposal in the Biomedical Sciences - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalSC500: Science Communications and Outreach - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalCH503: Masterclass in Carbohydrate Chemistry - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalBI504: Advanced Molecular Cell Biology - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalPH504: High Performance Computing and Parallel Programming - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalMA216: Mathematical Molecular Biology II - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalMA324: Introduction to Bioinformatics (Honours) - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalMA523: Advanced course in Mathematical Sciences - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalCH507: Combustion Chemistry and Kinetics - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalGS506: Teaching & Learning - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalCH509: Problem Solving in Chemistry - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalCH510: Process Development and Scale-Up in the Pharmaceutical Industry - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalPH508: Biophotonics and Imaging Graduate Summer School (BIGSS) - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalGS522: BioInnovate II Core: Concept Development and Implementation - 10 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalREM508: Graduate Course in Basic and Advanced Immunology - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalPM5103: Experimental Neuropharmacology - 15 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalPM5105: Neuropharmacology & Therapeutics - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalPM5111: Advanced Toxicology - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalMI5103: Advanced Industrial Processes - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalEV515: Biodiversity Legislation & Policy - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalEV527: Habitat Identification & Assessment - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalEV528: Habitat Creation, Management and Restoration - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalBPS5111: CCAFS Case Studies, Journal Club and Datasets - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalAN5101: Histology 1: Fundamental Tissues (Semester 2) - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalGS5103: Conference Organisation - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalPH423: Applied Optics and Imaging - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalAN507: Stereology - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalPH5115: Laser-enabled bioprinting - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalMA5117: Genomics Research Methods - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalMA5118: Advanced Chemoinformatics - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalPH425: Lasers and Spectroscopy - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalMA461: Probabilistic Models for Molecular Biology - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalTI311: Advanced Gis - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalCS4423: Networks - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalCT5100: Data Visualisation - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalPO5101: Management of Diabetic Foot Disease - 10 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalST1112: Statistical Methods - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalCS4103: Geometric Foundations of Data Analysis II - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalCS402: Cryptography - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalMA482: Functional Analysis - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalMA4344: Advanced Group Theory - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalMA438: Introduction to Mathematical Research Topics II - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalMA5112: Genomics Data Analysis II - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalPAB5127: Geospatial Analysis and Remote Sensing - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalPAB5128: Data Analysis for Sustainability Research - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalST4140: Modern Statistical Methods - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalGS5112: Idea to Impact Bootcamp - Design Thinking Training Programme - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalCT5135: Research Topics in AI - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalCT5103: Case Studies in Data Analytics - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalPH5127: Modern observational facilities - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalPH2112: Makerspace Creative Technologies 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 4
OptionalBI5109: Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology (semester 2) - 5 Credits - Semester 4
Year 3 (90 Credits)
OptionalPAB5116: Understanding AgriBusiness & AgriFood Market Trends - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalPAB5115: AgriFood Sustainability & Agri-Resilience Challenges - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalPAB5114: AgriFood Career, Communication & Impact Pathway Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalBI5104: Advanced Technologies in Cellular and Molecular Biology II - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalBI5103: Advanced Technologies in Cellular and Molecular Biology I - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGS5108: Work Based Placement 2 - 10 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGS5107: Work Based Placement 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMA5109: Statistical/Bioinformatics computing - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalPM208: Fundamental Concepts in Pharmacology - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMG529: Introduction To Business - 10 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalBG5107: Quality Management Systems for Biotechnology - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalPM5102: Experimental Methods in Pharmacology - 10 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalRM065: Research Component - 65 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalRM060: Research Component - 60 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalRM070: Research Component - 70 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMA530: Numerical Analysis I - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGS520: BioInnovate I Core: Needs finding to concept generation - 10 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalAN650: Anatomy - 0 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMA651: Statistics - 0 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMA850: Bioinformatics - 0 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalPH650: Physics - 0 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalBO650: Biostatistics - 0 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMP651: Applied Mathematics - 0 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalRM075: Research Component - 75 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalRM080: Research Component - 80 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalRM085: Research Component - 85 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalRM090: Research Component - 90 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalZO509: Biometry - Statistics for Biologists - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalPH502: Scientific Programming Concepts - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMD536: Advanced and Applied Immunology - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalBI650: Biochemistry - 0 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalBT650: Botany - 0 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalBV650: Botany/Environmental Science - 0 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalCH650: Chemistry - 0 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalEOS650: Earth & Ocean Science - 0 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalEV650: Environmental Science - 0 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGE650: Geology - 0 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMA650: Mathematics - 0 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMI650: Microbiology - 0 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalPA650: Pathology - Credits - Semester 5
OptionalPM650: Pharmacology - Credits - Semester 5
OptionalREM650: REMEDI - 0 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalSI650: Physiology - Credits - Semester 5
OptionalZO650: Zoology - 0 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGS530: Graduate Research Information Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalRM055: Research Component - 55 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalCH501: Chemistry - Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMR650: Marine Science - 0 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalEOS5101: Advanced Topics in Earth and Ocean Sciences - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalPM209: Applied Concepts in Pharmacology - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalPM5108: Applied Toxicology - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalEV507: Ecosystem Science - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalEV508: Introduction to Flora & Fauna of Ireland - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalEV514: Ecological Survey Techniques - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalBG5105: Diagnostic Biotechnology - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalPM5101: Central Neurotransmission - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGS536: Communication & Outreach - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGS525: Laboratory Animal Science Training (LAST) Ireland course - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGS511: Research Placement 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGS526: Oral/poster communications (year 1 - 3) - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGS513: Research Placement 2 - 10 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGS514: Research Placement 3 - 15 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGS515: Research Paper Publication - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGS501: Seminar Programme - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGS502: Journal Club Programme - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGS505: Graduate Research Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGS508: Formulating a Research Project Proposal - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGS509: Participation in Workshops/Courses - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalSNS650: School of Natural Sciences - 0 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMP410: Non-Linear Elasticity - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMA5110: Statistical/Bioinformatics consulting - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGS5104: Intensive Writing Workshop - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGS5109: Work Based Placement 3 - 15 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalBI5105: Current Topics in Cellular and Molecular Biology - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalCMB6150: Cellular & Molecular Biology - 0 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalPAB6150: Plant and AgriBiosciences - 0 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGS532: Introduction to Psychopharmacology (BAP) - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalBME402: Computational Methods in Engineering Analysis - 10 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalBME6101: Computational Methods in Engineering Analysis - 10 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalBI460: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Cancer - 10 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalBI461: Clinical Oncology, Haematology - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalPH5103: Radiation Fundamentals - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalPH5104: Medical Imaging - 10 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMA5115: Supporting Learning in Mathematics - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalPH5116: Scalable Innovation - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalUCD_SCI50020: Research Integrity Online - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalEOS610: Introduction to Data Analysis Tools for Earth and Ocean studies - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalEOS6102: Metals in the Environment, Speciation, Bioavailability, Remediation - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalPS6130: Clinical and Experimental Cognitive Neuroscience - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMD8000: Fundamentals of Medical Device Design and Regulation - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMA652: Genomics Data Science - Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGS507: Statistical Methods for Research - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMA655: Applications in Genomics Data Science - 10 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalST313: Applied Regression Models - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalTI2102: Introduction To GIS - 10 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMA532: Groups I - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalCE6106: Hydrological Modelling - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalBES519: Scientific Writing - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalPH506: Principles of Optical Design & Image Formation - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalST417: Introduction to Bayesian Modelling - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMA437: Introduction to Mathematical Research Topics I - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalCS424: Object Oriented Programming/Internet Programming - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalEV6102: Environmental Leadership - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalBSS2103: Introduction to Sustainability 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMA490: Measure Theory - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMA5106: Medical Genomics 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalCS4102: Geometric Foundations of Data Analysis I - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalBI5108: Green Lab Principles and Practice - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalEAP5109: Academic English Writing Skills for Graduate Researchers - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalHP1101: Knowledge Translation in Health and Social Care Research - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalBME5100: Advanced Computational Biomechanics - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalPO1100: Public and Patient Involvement in Research - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMD1902: Cultural Awareness in Research Planning and Processes - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalCH506: Core Skills for Chemistry Research - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalZO4102: Biostatistics for Natural Sciences - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalPH6101: CDT Lifetime Rotational Training - 20 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalGS5113: Innovation Impact Accelerator - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalPH2111: Makerspace Creative Technologies 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalPH5102: Clinical Instrumentation - 5 Credits - Semester 5
OptionalMI5106: Environmental Resilience - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalBG5104: Protein Technology - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalPH5105: Physics of Radiotherapy - 10 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalPM5114: Screening Molecular Libraries - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalPM533: Formulating a Research Proposal in the Biomedical Sciences - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalCH509: Problem Solving in Chemistry - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalCH510: Process Development and Scale-Up in the Pharmaceutical Industry - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalPH508: Biophotonics and Imaging Graduate Summer School (BIGSS) - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalGS522: BioInnovate II Core: Concept Development and Implementation - 10 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalSC500: Science Communications and Outreach - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalCH503: Masterclass in Carbohydrate Chemistry - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalBI504: Advanced Molecular Cell Biology - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalPH504: High Performance Computing and Parallel Programming - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalMA523: Advanced course in Mathematical Sciences - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalCH507: Combustion Chemistry and Kinetics - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalGS506: Teaching & Learning - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalMA216: Mathematical Molecular Biology II - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalMA324: Introduction to Bioinformatics (Honours) - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalREM508: Graduate Course in Basic and Advanced Immunology - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalPM5103: Experimental Neuropharmacology - 15 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalPM5105: Neuropharmacology & Therapeutics - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalPM5111: Advanced Toxicology - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalMI5103: Advanced Industrial Processes - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalEV515: Biodiversity Legislation & Policy - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalEV527: Habitat Identification & Assessment - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalEV528: Habitat Creation, Management and Restoration - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalBPS5111: CCAFS Case Studies, Journal Club and Datasets - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalAN5101: Histology 1: Fundamental Tissues (Semester 2) - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalGS5103: Conference Organisation - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalPH423: Applied Optics and Imaging - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalAN507: Stereology - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalPH5115: Laser-enabled bioprinting - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalPH425: Lasers and Spectroscopy - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalMA461: Probabilistic Models for Molecular Biology - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalTI311: Advanced Gis - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalCT5100: Data Visualisation - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalMA438: Introduction to Mathematical Research Topics II - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalPO5101: Management of Diabetic Foot Disease - 10 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalST1112: Statistical Methods - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalCS4103: Geometric Foundations of Data Analysis II - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalCS4423: Networks - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalCS402: Cryptography - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalMA482: Functional Analysis - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalMA4344: Advanced Group Theory - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalMA5112: Genomics Data Analysis II - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalPAB5127: Geospatial Analysis and Remote Sensing - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalPAB5128: Data Analysis for Sustainability Research - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalST4140: Modern Statistical Methods - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalGS5112: Idea to Impact Bootcamp - Design Thinking Training Programme - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalCT5135: Research Topics in AI - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalCT5103: Case Studies in Data Analytics - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalPH5127: Modern observational facilities - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalPH2112: Makerspace Creative Technologies 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 6
OptionalBI5109: Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology (semester 2) - 5 Credits - Semester 6
Year 4 (90 Credits)
OptionalBI5103: Advanced Technologies in Cellular and Molecular Biology I - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPAB5117: Understanding Ireland’s Agriculture & AgriFood Sector - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPAB5116: Understanding AgriBusiness & AgriFood Market Trends - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPAB5115: AgriFood Sustainability & Agri-Resilience Challenges - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPAB5114: AgriFood Career, Communication & Impact Pathway Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGS5108: Work Based Placement 2 - 10 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGS5107: Work Based Placement 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMA5109: Statistical/Bioinformatics computing - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalZO650: Zoology - 0 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGS530: Graduate Research Information Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalRM055: Research Component - 55 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalRM060: Research Component - 60 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalRM065: Research Component - 65 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalRM070: Research Component - 70 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMA530: Numerical Analysis I - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGS520: BioInnovate I Core: Needs finding to concept generation - 10 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalAN650: Anatomy - 0 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMA651: Statistics - 0 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMA850: Bioinformatics - 0 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPH650: Physics - 0 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalBO650: Biostatistics - 0 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMP651: Applied Mathematics - 0 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalRM075: Research Component - 75 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalRM080: Research Component - 80 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalRM085: Research Component - 85 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalRM090: Research Component - 90 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalZO509: Biometry - Statistics for Biologists - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPH502: Scientific Programming Concepts - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMD536: Advanced and Applied Immunology - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalBI650: Biochemistry - 0 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalBT650: Botany - 0 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalBV650: Botany/Environmental Science - 0 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalCH650: Chemistry - 0 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEOS650: Earth & Ocean Science - 0 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEV650: Environmental Science - 0 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGE650: Geology - 0 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMA650: Mathematics - 0 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMI650: Microbiology - 0 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPA650: Pathology - Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPM650: Pharmacology - Credits - Semester 7
OptionalREM650: REMEDI - 0 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalSI650: Physiology - Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEOS5101: Advanced Topics in Earth and Ocean Sciences - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPM209: Applied Concepts in Pharmacology - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPM208: Fundamental Concepts in Pharmacology - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMG529: Introduction To Business - 10 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalBG5107: Quality Management Systems for Biotechnology - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPM5102: Experimental Methods in Pharmacology - 10 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPM5108: Applied Toxicology - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEV507: Ecosystem Science - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEV508: Introduction to Flora & Fauna of Ireland - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEV514: Ecological Survey Techniques - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalBG5105: Diagnostic Biotechnology - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPM5101: Central Neurotransmission - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGS501: Seminar Programme - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGS502: Journal Club Programme - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGS505: Graduate Research Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGS508: Formulating a Research Project Proposal - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGS509: Participation in Workshops/Courses - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGS536: Communication & Outreach - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGS525: Laboratory Animal Science Training (LAST) Ireland course - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGS511: Research Placement 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGS526: Oral/poster communications (year 1 - 3) - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGS513: Research Placement 2 - 10 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGS514: Research Placement 3 - 15 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGS515: Research Paper Publication - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalSNS650: School of Natural Sciences - 0 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMP410: Non-Linear Elasticity - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMA5110: Statistical/Bioinformatics consulting - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGS5109: Work Based Placement 3 - 15 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPAB6150: Plant and AgriBiosciences - 0 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalCMB6150: Cellular & Molecular Biology - 0 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalBI5105: Current Topics in Cellular and Molecular Biology - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGS532: Introduction to Psychopharmacology (BAP) - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalBME6101: Computational Methods in Engineering Analysis - 10 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalBME402: Computational Methods in Engineering Analysis - 10 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalBI461: Clinical Oncology, Haematology - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPH5103: Radiation Fundamentals - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPH5104: Medical Imaging - 10 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMA5115: Supporting Learning in Mathematics - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPH5116: Scalable Innovation - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalUCD_SCI50020: Research Integrity Online - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEOS610: Introduction to Data Analysis Tools for Earth and Ocean studies - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEOS6102: Metals in the Environment, Speciation, Bioavailability, Remediation - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPS6130: Clinical and Experimental Cognitive Neuroscience - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMD8000: Fundamentals of Medical Device Design and Regulation - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMA652: Genomics Data Science - Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGS507: Statistical Methods for Research - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalTI2102: Introduction To GIS - 10 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalCE6106: Hydrological Modelling - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMA532: Groups I - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalBES519: Scientific Writing - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPH506: Principles of Optical Design & Image Formation - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalST417: Introduction to Bayesian Modelling - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalCS424: Object Oriented Programming/Internet Programming - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEV6102: Environmental Leadership - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalBSS2103: Introduction to Sustainability 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMA4102: Algebraic Foundations of Quantum Computing - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalCS4102: Geometric Foundations of Data Analysis I - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMA437: Introduction to Mathematical Research Topics I - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalBI5108: Green Lab Principles and Practice - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalEAP5109: Academic English Writing Skills for Graduate Researchers - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalHP1101: Knowledge Translation in Health and Social Care Research - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalBME5100: Advanced Computational Biomechanics - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGS5104: Intensive Writing Workshop - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPO1100: Public and Patient Involvement in Research - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMD1902: Cultural Awareness in Research Planning and Processes - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalCH506: Core Skills for Chemistry Research - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalZO4102: Biostatistics for Natural Sciences - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPH6101: CDT Lifetime Rotational Training - 20 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalGS5113: Innovation Impact Accelerator - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPH2111: Makerspace Creative Technologies 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalPH5102: Clinical Instrumentation - 5 Credits - Semester 7
OptionalMI5106: Environmental Resilience - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalBG5104: Protein Technology - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPH5105: Physics of Radiotherapy - 10 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPM5114: Screening Molecular Libraries - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalGS506: Teaching & Learning - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalCH509: Problem Solving in Chemistry - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalCH510: Process Development and Scale-Up in the Pharmaceutical Industry - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPH508: Biophotonics and Imaging Graduate Summer School (BIGSS) - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalGS522: BioInnovate II Core: Concept Development and Implementation - 10 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalSC500: Science Communications and Outreach - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalCH503: Masterclass in Carbohydrate Chemistry - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalBI504: Advanced Molecular Cell Biology - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPH504: High Performance Computing and Parallel Programming - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalMA523: Advanced course in Mathematical Sciences - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalCH507: Combustion Chemistry and Kinetics - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalREM508: Graduate Course in Basic and Advanced Immunology - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPM5103: Experimental Neuropharmacology - 15 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPM5105: Neuropharmacology & Therapeutics - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPM5111: Advanced Toxicology - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalMI5103: Advanced Industrial Processes - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalEV515: Biodiversity Legislation & Policy - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalEV528: Habitat Creation, Management and Restoration - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalBPS5111: CCAFS Case Studies, Journal Club and Datasets - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalAN5101: Histology 1: Fundamental Tissues (Semester 2) - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalGS5103: Conference Organisation - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPH423: Applied Optics and Imaging - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalAN507: Stereology - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPH5115: Laser-enabled bioprinting - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalCS402: Cryptography - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalMA5118: Advanced Chemoinformatics - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPH425: Lasers and Spectroscopy - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalTI311: Advanced Gis - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalCT5100: Data Visualisation - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPO5101: Management of Diabetic Foot Disease - 10 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalST1112: Statistical Methods - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPAB5127: Geospatial Analysis and Remote Sensing - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPAB5128: Data Analysis for Sustainability Research - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalMA438: Introduction to Mathematical Research Topics II - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalST4140: Modern Statistical Methods - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPH5120: Radiological Imaging Technology and Safety - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPH5121: Introduction to Workplace Hazards in Healthcare - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalGS5112: Idea to Impact Bootcamp - Design Thinking Training Programme - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalCT5135: Research Topics in AI - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalCT5103: Case Studies in Data Analytics - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalCT5127: Computer Networks and Data Communications - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPH5127: Modern observational facilities - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalPH2112: Makerspace Creative Technologies 2 - 5 Credits - Semester 8
OptionalBI5109: Introduction to Molecular and Cellular Biology (semester 2) - 5 Credits - Semester 8
Year 5 (90 Credits)
OptionalPAB5116: Understanding AgriBusiness & AgriFood Market Trends - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalPAB5115: AgriFood Sustainability & Agri-Resilience Challenges - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalPAB5114: AgriFood Career, Communication & Impact Pathway Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalBI5104: Advanced Technologies in Cellular and Molecular Biology II - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalBI5103: Advanced Technologies in Cellular and Molecular Biology I - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalGS5108: Work Based Placement 2 - 10 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalGS5107: Work Based Placement 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalMA5109: Statistical/Bioinformatics computing - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalEOS5101: Advanced Topics in Earth and Ocean Sciences - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalGS520: BioInnovate I Core: Needs finding to concept generation - 10 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalAN650: Anatomy - 0 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalMA651: Statistics - 0 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalMA850: Bioinformatics - 0 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalPH650: Physics - 0 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalBO650: Biostatistics - 0 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalMP651: Applied Mathematics - 0 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalRM075: Research Component - 75 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalRM080: Research Component - 80 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalRM085: Research Component - 85 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalRM090: Research Component - 90 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalZO509: Biometry - Statistics for Biologists - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalPH502: Scientific Programming Concepts - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalMD536: Advanced and Applied Immunology - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalBI650: Biochemistry - 0 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalBT650: Botany - 0 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalBV650: Botany/Environmental Science - 0 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalCH650: Chemistry - 0 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalEOS650: Earth & Ocean Science - 0 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalEV650: Environmental Science - 0 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalGE650: Geology - 0 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalMA650: Mathematics - 0 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalMI650: Microbiology - 0 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalPA650: Pathology - Credits - Semester 9
OptionalPM650: Pharmacology - Credits - Semester 9
OptionalREM650: REMEDI - 0 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalSI650: Physiology - Credits - Semester 9
OptionalZO650: Zoology - 0 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalGS530: Graduate Research Information Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalRM055: Research Component - 55 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalRM060: Research Component - 60 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalRM065: Research Component - 65 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalRM070: Research Component - 70 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalMA530: Numerical Analysis I - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalGS525: Laboratory Animal Science Training (LAST) Ireland course - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalGS515: Research Paper Publication - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalGS514: Research Placement 3 - 15 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalGS526: Oral/poster communications (year 1 - 3) - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalGS508: Formulating a Research Project Proposal - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalGS536: Communication & Outreach - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalGS505: Graduate Research Skills - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalGS511: Research Placement 1 - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalGS502: Journal Club Programme - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalGS501: Seminar Programme - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalGS513: Research Placement 2 - 10 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalGS509: Participation in Workshops/Courses - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalSNS650: School of Natural Sciences - 0 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalMP410: Non-Linear Elasticity - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalMA5110: Statistical/Bioinformatics consulting - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalGS5109: Work Based Placement 3 - 15 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalBI5105: Current Topics in Cellular and Molecular Biology - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalCMB6150: Cellular & Molecular Biology - 0 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalPAB6150: Plant and AgriBiosciences - 0 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalGS532: Introduction to Psychopharmacology (BAP) - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalBME402: Computational Methods in Engineering Analysis - 10 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalBME6101: Computational Methods in Engineering Analysis - 10 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalBI460: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Cancer - 10 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalBI461: Clinical Oncology, Haematology - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalPH5103: Radiation Fundamentals - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalPH5104: Medical Imaging - 10 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalMA5115: Supporting Learning in Mathematics - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalPH5116: Scalable Innovation - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalUCD_SCI50020: Research Integrity Online - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalEOS610: Introduction to Data Analysis Tools for Earth and Ocean studies - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalEOS6102: Metals in the Environment, Speciation, Bioavailability, Remediation - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalPS6130: Clinical and Experimental Cognitive Neuroscience - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalMD8000: Fundamentals of Medical Device Design and Regulation - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalBI5108: Green Lab Principles and Practice - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalMA652: Genomics Data Science - Credits - Semester 9
OptionalGS507: Statistical Methods for Research - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalCE6106: Hydrological Modelling - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalBES519: Scientific Writing - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalPH506: Principles of Optical Design & Image Formation - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalBME5100: Advanced Computational Biomechanics - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalGS5104: Intensive Writing Workshop - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalPO1100: Public and Patient Involvement in Research - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalMD1902: Cultural Awareness in Research Planning and Processes - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalCH506: Core Skills for Chemistry Research - 5 Credits - Semester 9
OptionalPM5114: Screening Molecular Libraries - 5 Credits - Semester 10
OptionalGS522: BioInnovate II Core: Concept Development and Implementation - 10 Credits - Semester 10
OptionalCH507: Combustion Chemistry and Kinetics - 5 Credits - Semester 10
OptionalSC500: Science Communications and Outreach - 5 Credits - Semester 10
OptionalCH503: Masterclass in Carbohydrate Chemistry - 5 Credits - Semester 10
OptionalAN5101: Histology 1: Fundamental Tissues (Semester 2) - 5 Credits - Semester 10
OptionalBI504: Advanced Molecular Cell Biology - 5 Credits - Semester 10
OptionalMA523: Advanced course in Mathematical Sciences - 5 Credits - Semester 10
OptionalPH504: High Performance Computing and Parallel Programming - 5 Credits - Semester 10
OptionalGS506: Teaching & Learning - 5 Credits - Semester 10
OptionalCH509: Problem Solving in Chemistry - 5 Credits - Semester 10
OptionalCH510: Process Development and Scale-Up in the Pharmaceutical Industry - 5 Credits - Semester 10
OptionalPH508: Biophotonics and Imaging Graduate Summer School (BIGSS) - 5 Credits - Semester 10
OptionalPH423: Applied Optics and Imaging - 5 Credits - Semester 10
OptionalAN507: Stereology - 5 Credits - Semester 10
OptionalGS5103: Conference Organisation - 5 Credits - Semester 10
OptionalPH5115: Laser-enabled bioprinting - 5 Credits - Semester 10
OptionalMA461: Probabilistic Models for Molecular Biology - 5 Credits - Semester 10
OptionalCT5100: Data Visualisation - 5 Credits - Semester 10
Year 6 (0 Credits)
OptionalPH650: Physics - 0 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalMA650: Mathematics - 0 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalEOS650: Earth & Ocean Science - 0 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalCH650: Chemistry - 0 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalRM085: Research Component - 85 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalMA5110: Statistical/Bioinformatics consulting - 5 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalPH5104: Medical Imaging - 10 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalRM055: Research Component - 55 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalRM060: Research Component - 60 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalRM065: Research Component - 65 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalRM070: Research Component - 70 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalRM075: Research Component - 75 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalRM080: Research Component - 80 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalRM090: Research Component - 90 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalZO650: Zoology - 0 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalMP651: Applied Mathematics - 0 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalPAB6150: Plant and AgriBiosciences - 0 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalBO650: Biostatistics - 0 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalBI650: Biochemistry - 0 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalMD8000: Fundamentals of Medical Device Design and Regulation - 5 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalBI5108: Green Lab Principles and Practice - 5 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalCMB6150: Cellular & Molecular Biology - 0 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalMI650: Microbiology - 0 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalBT650: Botany - 0 Credits - Semester 11
OptionalPM5114: Screening Molecular Libraries - 5 Credits - Semester 12
OptionalGS5103: Conference Organisation - 5 Credits - Semester 12
OptionalAN507: Stereology - 5 Credits - Semester 12
OptionalPH425: Lasers and Spectroscopy - 5 Credits - Semester 12
Year 7 (0 Credits)
OptionalAN650: Anatomy - 0 Credits - Semester 13
OptionalBI650: Biochemistry - 0 Credits - Semester 13
OptionalBT650: Botany - 0 Credits - Semester 13
OptionalCH650: Chemistry - 0 Credits - Semester 13
OptionalEOS650: Earth & Ocean Science - 0 Credits - Semester 13
OptionalMA650: Mathematics - 0 Credits - Semester 13
OptionalMI650: Microbiology - 0 Credits - Semester 13
OptionalPH650: Physics - 0 Credits - Semester 13
OptionalPM650: Pharmacology - Credits - Semester 13
OptionalRM055: Research Component - 55 Credits - Semester 13
OptionalRM060: Research Component - 60 Credits - Semester 13
OptionalRM065: Research Component - 65 Credits - Semester 13
OptionalRM070: Research Component - 70 Credits - Semester 13
OptionalRM075: Research Component - 75 Credits - Semester 13
OptionalRM080: Research Component - 80 Credits - Semester 13
OptionalRM085: Research Component - 85 Credits - Semester 13
OptionalRM090: Research Component - 90 Credits - Semester 13
OptionalGS5104: Intensive Writing Workshop - 5 Credits - Semester 13
OptionalZO650: Zoology - 0 Credits - Semester 13
OptionalMP651: Applied Mathematics - 0 Credits - Semester 13
OptionalPAB6150: Plant and AgriBiosciences - 0 Credits - Semester 13
OptionalBO650: Biostatistics - 0 Credits - Semester 13
OptionalCMB6150: Cellular & Molecular Biology - 0 Credits - Semester 13
Year 8 (0 Credits)
OptionalBT650: Botany - 0 Credits - Semester 15
OptionalCH650: Chemistry - 0 Credits - Semester 15
OptionalEOS650: Earth & Ocean Science - 0 Credits - Semester 15
OptionalMI650: Microbiology - 0 Credits - Semester 15
OptionalPH650: Physics - 0 Credits - Semester 15
OptionalZO650: Zoology - 0 Credits - Semester 15
OptionalRM055: Research Component - 55 Credits - Semester 15
OptionalRM060: Research Component - 60 Credits - Semester 15
OptionalRM065: Research Component - 65 Credits - Semester 15
OptionalRM070: Research Component - 70 Credits - Semester 15
OptionalRM075: Research Component - 75 Credits - Semester 15
OptionalRM080: Research Component - 80 Credits - Semester 15
OptionalRM085: Research Component - 85 Credits - Semester 15
OptionalRM090: Research Component - 90 Credits - Semester 15
OptionalBO650: Biostatistics - 0 Credits - Semester 15
OptionalPAB6150: Plant and AgriBiosciences - 0 Credits - Semester 15
OptionalMP651: Applied Mathematics - 0 Credits - Semester 15
Research Areas
The central mission of the NCBES is to develop innovative research programmes that promote the understanding and treatment of today's major diseases. Researchers at the NCBES focus on some of the major medical challenges that face the world today, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, orthopaedic disorders and neurodegenerative diseases. We provide an environment where molecular biology, cell biology, engineering, imaging technology and clinical sciences merge. With a strong focus on translating our discoveries to improved patient care, these themes are supported by enabling expertise in bioanalytical technology, materials science and glycosciences.
Our research is making a real contribution to the advancement of biomedical discovery through significant research centres and clusters including the Alimentary Glycoscience Research Centre, the Regenerative Medicine Institute, the Centre for Chromosome Biology, the Network for Functional Biomaterials, the Centre for Pain Research, the Prostate Cancer Institute and others.
Researcher Profiles
See http://ncbes.nuigalway.ie/ for associated researchers.
Course Fees
Fees: EU
Fees: Non EU
Extra Information
EU Part time: Year 1 €4,250 p.a. (€4,390 including levy) 2024/25
All students, irrespective of funding, must pay the student levy of €140.
Contact Us
NCBES Director
Prof. Rhodri Ceredig
NCBES Administrative Assistant
Ms. Triona Quinn
Related links:
Graduate Studies Office