Dr Mary Greene is awarded RIA Charlemont Scholar

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Dr Mary Greene is awarded RIA Charlemont Scholar

Dr Mary Greene is awarded RIA Charlemont Scholar

Dr Mary Greene was awarded the 2018 Charlemont scholarship award. Attending the Royal Irish Academy Charlemont Ceremony in Academy House, she was joined by a cohort of fellow scholars who had travelled from various universities in Ireland to receive their Award from RIA President, Prof Michael Kennedy. Awardees spanned a wide diversity of disciplines in the social, natural and engineering sciences. Recognising the importance of travel and cross-pollination of ideas, the Charlemont scholarship scheme awards high impact travel grants to early career postdoctoral researchers. Dr Greene will use this grant to travel to New Zealand during the 2018 summer period to expand the geographical range of her research. There she will conduct novel research to further explore the intersections of social change and daily consumption and facilitate cross cultural comparisons to be drawn between Ireland, The Gambia and New Zealand.

More information can be read here: https://marygreene.blog/2018/02/28/becoming-a-charlemont-scholar/

Keywords: Geography.

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